Ritual and Ceremony
in the Ancient Mediterranean and Near East:
A Select Classified Bibliography (1970–1998)

K. C. Hanson
Fortress Press
Minneapolis, MN 55440-1209
© 1997-1998

MRZH-Ritual Tablet From Ancient Ugarit;
Photo from: West Semitic Research Project


During the past twenty-five years, a large body of literature has developed analyzing the rites of the ancient world. This is first of all the product of both a growing number of ancient documents discovered and appearing in print. But it is also, I would argue, the result of a growing awareness about the importance of ritual and the appearance of a large body of theoretical studies in this area. Indeed, "ritual studies" has developed into a whole discipline with its own journal (Journal of Ritual Studies, since 1987). Ritual studies is a synthetic or integrative discipline, employing not only theology and history of religions, but anthropology, social psychology, art history, music history, archaeology, performance theory, as well as other disciplines. The introductory essays by Grimes (1987) and Zeusse (1987) will briefly orient the reader to the major issues (both in sec. 1 below).
Those in biblical studies, Classics, and the study of the ancient Near East can benefit greatly from attention to some of the theoretical discussions which have gone on recently, and I would suggest several reasons for raising our awareness. First, to understand the ancient peoples and their culture, more than linguistic and historical acumen is necessary. Ritual analysis focuses attention on rites which help expose the modern scholar to the fundamentals of ancient worldviews, symbols, values, and social organization. Second, cross-cultural analysis raises new questions for the researcher, both practical and theoretical. Third, ritual studies presses the reader of ancient documents for a "thicker description" (to use Geertz's expression) and a fuller analysis. And fourth, awareness of rituals in one culture can raise the question of how similar phenomena were handled in others.
Definining ritual is not an easy task; and as Grimes points out, most definitions are overly narrow and bereft of fruitful imagery. But he goes on to identify five key characteristics: repeated, sacred, formalized, traditional, and intentional (1995:60-61). The meanings of ritual, ritualizing, rite, and ceremony often overlap or are used as synonyms by different scholars. For heuristic purposes it may be useful to employ the term "rite" as the overarching category, "ritual" to refer to rites of passage, boundary crossing (status transformation or status reversal), and "ceremony" to refer to regular celebrations, feasts, and worship services which maintain and celebrate the group's boundaries (see Malina, Christian Origins and Cultural Anthropology, 1986:139-43). In a practical sense, the labels are not as important as defining those one uses, employing them with consistency, and demonstrating their analytic value for interpretation.
Most of the articles and books on ancient rituals do not employ "ritual studies" methodologies. They are translating key documents or passages, discussing the linguistic or historical problems in interpreting these documents, etc. But they often provide the starting points to press further into the performance aspects of these sources. New questions can be asked, different methods can be employed, fresh comparisons can be made, and fuller analyses can be developed. Theoretical awareness cannot produce new evidence, but it can open new avenues of exploration.
In the following bibliography I have begun with two introductory sections: 1. Theoretical Approaches and Overviews, and 2. Cross-Cultural Studies. Of all the sections, section 1 is the most "selective." I have attempted to limit this section to works that are widely quoted and have been influential in the history of the discussion. Section 2 is limited to those works which are broadly comparative of ancient societies; the more specific comparative pieces (e.g., Ugaritic and Israelite comparisons) are placed in one or the other section based on emphasis or the author's specialization (e.g., deMoor under Ugarit). The other sections are pragmatic groupings, organized by region. The dates covered here are 1970—1996; but the dates are not absolutes at either end. Several jounals had not completed their volumes by October 1996 when I finished this; and when I found an item which preceded 1970, I included it if I thought it was necessary to the history of the discussion.

Ritual Studies: Theoretical Approaches and Overviews

    Ackerman, Robert. The Myth and Ritual School: J. G. Frazer and the Cambridge Ritualists. New York: Garland, 1991.

    Alexander, Bobby C. "Ritual and Current Studies of Ritual: Overview." In Anthropology of Religion: A Handbook. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1995.

    Ashley, Kathleen, ed. Victor Turner and the Construction of Cultural Criticism: Between Literature and Anthropology. Bloomington, IN: Indiana Univ. Press, 1990.

    Aune, Michael B. "The Subject of Ritual: Ideology and Experience in Action." In Religious and Social Ritual: Interdisciplinary Explorations, 147-73. M. B. Aune and V. DeMarinis, eds. Albany, NY: State Univ. of New York Press, 1996.

    van Baal, J. "Offering, Sacrifice and Gift." Numen 23 (1976):161-78.

    Bell, Catherine. Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1992.

    Bird, Frederick B. "The Nature and Function of Ritual Forms: A Sociological Discussion." Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 9 (1980):387-402.

    Bourdillon, M. F. C. and M. Fortes, eds. Sacrifice. New York: Academic, 1980.

    Clothey, Fred W. "Toward a Comprehensive Interpretation of Ritual." Journal of Ritual Studies 2 (1988):147-61.

    d'Aquili, Eugene G. "Human Ceremonial Ritual and the Modulation of Aggression." Zygon 20 (1985):21-30.

    d'Aquili, Eugene G. "Myth, Ritual, and the Archetypal Hypothesis." Zygon 21 (1986):141-60.

    d'Aquili, Eugene G.; Charles D. Laughlin; and John McManus. The Spectrum of Ritual: A Biogenetic Structural Analysis. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1979.

    d'Aquili, Eugene G. and Andrew B. Newberg. "Liminality, Trance, and Unitary States in Ritual and Meditation." Studia Liturgica 23 (1993):2-34.

    de Coppet, Daniel. Understanding Rituals. European Association of Social Anthropologists Series. London: Routledge, 1992.

    Delattre, Roland. "Ritual Resourcefulness and Cultural Pluralism." Soundings 61 (1978):281-301.

    Doty, William G. Mythography: The Study of Myths and Rituals. Birmingham, AL: Univ. of Alabama Press, 1986.

    Driver, Tom F. The Magic of Ritual: Our Need for Liberating Rites that Transform Our Lives and Our Communities. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1991.

    Driver, Tom F. "Life in Performance: Reflections on Ritual, Religion, and Social Value." Soundings 77 (1994):63-80.

    Fernandez, James W. "The Performance of Ritual Metaphors." In The Social Use of Metaphor: Essays on the Anthropology of Rhetoric, 100-131. J. D. Sapir and J. C. Crocker, eds. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1977.

    Firth, Raymond. "Spiritual Aroma: Religion and Politics." American Anthropologist 83 (1981):582-601.

    Fontenrose, Joseph. The Ritual Theory of Myth. University of California Publications Folklore Studies, 18. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1966.

    van Gennep, Arnold. The Rites of Passage. M. B. Vizedom and G. L. Caffee, trans. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1960.

    Girard, René. "Generative Scapegoating." In Violent Origins, 73-105. R. G. Hammerton-Kelly, ed. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1987.

    Girard, René. Violence and the Sacred. P. Gregory, trans. and ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1977.

    Grimes, Ronald L. Beginnings in Ritual Studies. Rev. ed. Studies in Comparative Religion. Columbia: Univ. of South Carolina Press, 1995.

    Grimes, Ronald L. "Liturgical Supinity, Liturgical Erectitude: On the Embodiment of Ritual Authority." Studia Liturgica 23 (1993):51-69.

    Grimes, Ronald L. "Of Words the Speaker, Of Deeds the Doer." Journal of Religion 66 (1986):1-17.

    Grimes, Ronald L., ed. Readings in Ritual Studies. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1996.

    Grimes, Ronald L. Research in Ritual Studies: A Programmatic Essay and Bibliography. ATLA Bibliography Series. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 1985.

    Grimes, Ronald L. Ritual Criticism: Case Studies in Its Practice, Essays on Its Theory. Studies in Comparative Religion. Columbia: Univ. of South Carolina Press, 1990.

    Grimes, Ronald L. "Ritual Studies." In Encyclopedia of Religion 12:422-25. M. Eliade, ed. New York: Macmillan, 1987.

    Grimes, Ronald L. "Victor Turner's Definition, Theory, and Sense of Ritual." In Victor Turner and the Construction of Cultural Criticism: Between Literature and Anthropology, 141-46. K. M. Ashley, ed. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1990.

    Hammerton-Kelly, Robert G., ed. Violent Origins: Walter Burkert, René Girard, and Jonathan Z. Smith on Ritual Killing and Cultural Formation. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1987.

    Honko, Lauri. "Zur Klassifikation der Riten." Temenos 11 (1975):61-77.

    Howes, David. "Olfaction and Transition: An Essay on the Ritual Uses of Smell." Canadian Journal of Sociology and Anthropology 24 (1987):398-416.

    Jennings, Theodore W., Jr. "On Ritual Knowledge." History of Religions 62 (1982):111-27.

    Kapferer, Bruce. "Performance and the Structuring of Meaning and Experience." In The Anthropology of Experience, 188-203. V. W. Turner and E. M. Bruner, eds. Urbana and Chicago: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1986.

    Kelly, J. D. and M. Kaplan. "History, Structure, and Ritual." Annual Review of Anthropology 19 (1990):119-50.

    La Fontaine, Jean S. Initiation. New York: Viking, 1985.

    Laughlin, Charles D. "Ritual and the Symbolic Function: A Summary of Biogenetic Structural Theory." Journal of Ritual Studies 4 (1990):15-39.

    Lawson, Thomas E. "Ritual as Language." Religion 6 (1976):123-39.

    Lewis, Gilbert. Day of Shining Red: An Essay on Understanding Ritual. Cambridge Studies in Social Anthropology, 27. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1980.

    Lincoln, Bruce. Emerging from the Chrysalis: Studies in Rituals of Women's Initiation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1981.

    MacAloon, John J. Rite, Drama, Festival, Spectacle: Rehearsals Toward a Theory of Cultural Performance. Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues, 1984.

    Mack, Burton. "Introduction: Religion and Ritual." In Violent Origins, 1-70. R. G. Hammerton- Kelly, ed. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1987.

    Mahdi, Louise Carus, et al., eds. Betwixt & Between: Patterns of Masculine and Feminine Initiation. Albany, NY: State Univ. of New York Press, 1996.

    Merkur, Daniel. "The Discharge of Guilt: Psychoanalytic Theories of Ritual." Journal of Ritual Studies 5 (1991):15-32.

    Morphy, Howard. "The Interpretation of Ritual: Reflections from Film on Anthropological Practice." Man 29 (1994):117-46.

    Munn, Nancy D. "Symbolism in a Ritual Context: Aspects of Symbolic Action." In Handbook of Social and Cultural, 579-612. J. J. Honigmann, ed. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1973.

    Neumann, Erich. "The Psychological Meaning of Ritual." Quadrant 9.2 (1976):5-34.

    Neusner, Jacob. "Ritual Without Myth: The Use of Legal Materials for the Study of Religions." Religion 5 (1975):91-100.

    Olson, Carl. "Eroticism, Violence, and Sacrifice: A Postmodern Theory of Religion and Ritual." Method & Theory in the Study of Religion 6 (1994):231-50.

    Penner, Hans H. "Language, Ritual, and Meaning." Numen 32 (1985):1-16.

    Peterson, T. V. "Initiation Rite as Riddle." Journal of Ritual Studies 1 (1987):73-84.

    Price, S. R. F. Rituals and Power. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1984.

    Puthanangady, Paul. "The Liberative Power of Rituals." Journal of Dharma 9 (1984):208-15.

    Rappaport, Roy A. Ecology, Meaning, and Religion. Richmond, CA: North Atlantic, 1979.

    Rappaport, Roy A. "Ritual, Sanctity, and Cybernetics." American Anthropologist 73 (1971):59-76.

    Rappaport, Roy A. "Ritual, Time, and Eternity." Zygon 27 (1992):5-30.

    Rodier, David F. "Ritual: A Whiteheadian Interpretation." In Explanation: New Directions in Philosophy, 60-70. B. Blose, et al., eds. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1973.

    Rosen, L. N. "Contagion and Cataclysm: A Theoretical Approach to the Study of Ritual Pollution Beliefs." African Studies 32 (1973):229-46.

    Shaughnessy, James D., ed. The Roots of Ritual. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1973.

    Schechner, Richard. "The Future of Ritual." Journal of Ritual Studies 1 (1987):5-33.

    Schechner, Richard. The Future of Ritual: Writings on Culture and Performance. London: Routledge, 1993.

    Schechner, Richard and Willa Appel, eds. By Means of Performance: Intercultural Studies of Theatre and Ritual. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990.

    Smith, P. "Aspects of the Organization of Rites." In Between Belief and Transgression, 103-28. M. Izard and P. Smith, eds. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1982.

    Smith, Jonathan Z. "The Domestication of Sacrifice." In Violent Origins, 191-205. R. G. Hammerton-Kelly, ed. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1987.

    Tambiah, Stanley J. "A Performative Approach to Ritual." Proceedings of the British Academy 65 (1979):113-69.

    Turner, Victor W. Drama, Fields, and Metaphors: Symbolic Action in Human Society. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Press, 1974.

    Turner, Victor W. "Dramatic Ritual/Ritual Drama: Performance and Reflexive Anthropology." Kenyon Review 1.3 (1979):80-93.

    Turner, Victor W. The Forest of Symbols: Aspects of Ndembu Ritual. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Press, 1967.

    Turner, Victor W. The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure. Chicago: Aldine, 1969.

    Turner, Victor W. "Sacrifice as Quintessential Process: Prophylaxis or Abandonment?" History of Religions 16 (1977):189-215.

    Turner, Victor W. "Social Dramas and Stories About Them." In On Narrative, 137-64. W. J. T. Mitchell, ed. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1981.

    Wheelock, Wade T. "The Problem of Ritual Language: From Information to Situation." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 50 (1982):49-71.

    Zeusse, Evan M. "Meditation on Ritual." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 53 (1975):517-30.

    Zeusse, Evan M. "Ritual." In Encyclopedia of Religion 12:405-22. M. Eliade, ed. New York: Macmillan, 1987.

Cross-Cultural Studies on Ritual in Antiquity

    Bal, Mieke. "Experiencing Murder: Ritualistic Interpretation of Ancient Texts." In Victor Turner and the Construction of Cultural Criticism: Between Literature and Anthropology, 3-20. K. M. Ashley, ed. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1990.

    Bergquist, Birgitta. "Bronze Age Sacrificial Koine in the Eastern Mediterranean? A Study of Animal Sacrifice in the Ancient Near East." In Ritual and Sacrifice in the Ancient Near East, 11-43. J. Quaegebeur, ed. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 55. Leuven: Peeters, 1993.

    Blackman, Aylward M. "The Rite of Opening the Mouth in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 10 (1924):47-59.

    Brandon, Samuel G. F. "Ritual Technique of Salvation in the Ancient Near East." In The Saviour God: Comparative Studies in the Concept of Salvation, Presented to Edwin Oliver James, 17-36. S. H. Hooke, ed. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1963.

    Burkert, Walter. "The Problem of Ritual Killing." In Violent Origins, 149-76. R. G. Hammerton- Kelly, ed. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1987.

    Caquot, André. "De la connaissance des anciens rituels sémitiques." In Essais sur le rituel, vol. 1, 31-40. A.-M. Blondeau and K. Schipper, eds. Leuven/Paris: Peeters, 1988.

    Cryer, Frederick H. Divination in Ancient Israel and its Near Eastern Environment: A Socio- Historical Investigation. JSOT Supplements, 142. Shefflied: JSOT.

    Gaster, Theodor H. Thespis: Ritual, Myth, and Drama in the Ancient Near East. Rev. ed. New York: Norton, 1977.

    Geller, M. J. "The Surpu Incantations and Lev 5:1-5." Journal of Semitic Studies 25 (1980): 181-92.

    Hallo, William W. "The Origins of the Sacrificial Cult: New Evidence from Mesopotamia and Israel." In Ancient Israelite Religion: Essays in Honor of Frank Moore Cross, 3-13. P. D. Miller, Jr., et al., eds. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1987.

    Jay, Nancy. Throughout Your Generations Forever: Sacrifice, Religion and Paternity. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1992.

    Knipe, David M. "The Temple in Image and Reality." In Temple in Society, 105-38. M. V. Fox, ed. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1988.

    Malina, Bruce J. "Mediterranean Sacrifice: Dimensions of Domestic and Political Religion." Biblical Theology Bulletin 26 (1996):26-44.

    Malina, Bruce J. "Opfer und Exklusivität in der mediterranen Welt." In Opfer theologische und kulturelle Kontexte. W. Stegemann, ed. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, forthcoming.

    Meyer, Marvin and Paul Mirecki, eds. Ancient Magic and Ritual Power. Religions in the Graeco- Roman World, 129. Leiden: Brill, 1995.

    Mikasa, Takahito, ed. Cult and Ritual in the Ancient Near East. Bulletin of the Middle Eastern Culture Center in Japan, 6. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1992.

    Petersen, David L. "Covenant Ritual: A Traditio-historical Perspective." Biblical Research 22 (1977):7-18.

    Pop, Mihai. "L'incantation: narration, mythe, rite." In Festschrift für Robert Wildhaber. W. Escher, et al., eds. Basel: Krebs, 1973.

    Puhvel, Jaan. "Victimal Hierachies in Indo-European Animal Sacrifices." American Journal of Philology 99 (1978): 354-62.

    Quaegebeur, Jan, ed. Ritual and Sacrifice in the Ancient Near East. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 55. Leuven: Peeters, 1993.

    Robertson, Noel. "The Ritual Background of the Dying God in Cyprus and Syro-Palestine." Harvard Theological Review 75 (1982):313-59.

    Rudhardt, J. and O. Reverdin, eds. Le sacrifice dans l'Antiquitè. Entretiens sur l'Antiquitè classique, 27. Geneva: Vandoeuvres, 1981.

    Smith, Jonathan Z. "Pearl of Great Price and a Cargo of Yams: A Study in Situational Incongruity." History of Religions 16 (1976):1-19.

    Smith, Jonathan Z. To Take Place: Toward Theory in Ritual. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1987.

    Wright, George R. H. "Dumuzi at the Court of David." Numen 28 (1981):54-63.

    Assmann, Jan. "Semiosis and Interpretation in Ancient Egyptian Ritual." In Interpretation in Religion, ??. S. Biderman and B.-A. Scharfstein, eds. Leiden: Brill, 1992.

    Spalinger, A. J. "A Canaanite Ritual Found in Egyptian Military Reliefs." Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities 7 (1978):47-60.

    Steiner, R. C. and C. F. Nims. "You Can't Offer Your Sacrifice and Eat It Too: A Polemical Poem from the Aramaic Text in Demotic Script." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 43 (1984):89-114.

Mesopotamia, Syria, and Persia
    Abusch, Tzvi. "Ascent to the Stars in a Mesopotamian Ritual: Social Metaphor and Religious Experience." In Death, Ecstasy, and Other Worldy Journeys, 15-39. J. J. Collins and M. Fishbane, eds. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995.

    Abusch, Tzvi. "An Early Form of the Witchcraft Ritual Maqlû and the Origin of a Babylonian Magical Ceremony." In Lingering Over Words: Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Literature in Honor of William L. Moran, 1-57. T. Abusch, et al., eds. Harvard Semitic Studies, 37. Atlanta: Scholars, 1990.

    Abusch, Tzvi. "Mesopotamian Anti-Witch Literature: Texts and Studies. Part I: The Nature of Maqlû: Its Character, Divisions, and Calendrical Setting." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 33 (1974):251-62.

    Abusch, Tzvi. "Ritual and Incantation: Interpretation and Textual History of Maqlû VII:58-105 and IX:152-59." In Sha'arei Talmon: Studies in the Bible, Qumran, and the Ancient Near East, Presented to Shemaryahu Talmon, 367-80. M. Fishbane, et al., eds. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1992.

    Abusch, Tzvi. "The Ritual Tablet and Rubrics of Maqlû: Towards the History of the Series." In Ah, Assyria . . . Studies in Assyrian History and Ancient Near Eastern Historiography Presented to Hayim Tadmor, 233-53. Scripta Hierosolymitana, 33. Jerusalem: Magnes, 1991.

    Abusch, Tzvi. "The Socio-religious Framework of the Babylonian Witchcraft Ceremony Maqlû: Some Observations on the Introductory Section of the Text, Part II." In Festschrift Greenfield. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, forthcoming.

    Berger, P.-R. "Das Neujahrsfest nach den Königsinschriften des ausgehenden babylonischen Reiches." In Actes de la XVIIe Rencontre Assyriologique Bruxelles 30 Juin—4 Juillet 1969, 157-?. A. Finet, ed. Ham-sur-Heure, Belgium, 1970.

    Berlejung, Angelika. "Washing the Mouth: The Consecration of Divine Images in Mesopotamia." In The Image and the Book: Iconic Cults, Aniconism, and the Rise of Book Religion in Israel and the Ancient Near East, 45-72. K. van der Toorn, ed. Contributions to Biblical Exegesis, 21. Leuven: Peeters, 1997.

    Black, J. A. "The New Year Ceremonies in Ancient Babylon: 'Taking Bel by the Hand' and a Cultic Picnic." Religion 11 (1981):39-59.

    Bottéro, Jean. "Les morts e l'au-delà contre l'action des 'revenants'." Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 73 (1983):153-203.

    Bowman, Raymond A. Aramaic Ritual Texts from Persepolis. University of Chicago Oriental Institute Publications, 91. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1970.

    Briant, Pierre. "Le roi est mort, vive le roi: remarques sur les rites et rituel de succession chez le Achéménides." In La Religion Iranienne a la Epoque Achéménide, 1-11. J. Kellens, ed. Louvain: Gent, 1990.

    Buccellati, Giorgio. "The Descent of Inanna as a Ritual Journey to Kutha?" Syro-Mesopotamian Studies 4.3 (1982):3-7.

    Çagirgan, Galip and W. G. Lambert. "The Late Babylonian Kislimu Ritual for Esagil." Journal of Cuneiform Studies 43-45 (1991-93):89-106.

    Caplice, Richard. The Akkadian Namburbi Texts. Sources from the Ancient Near East 1/1. Malibu, CA: Undena, 1974.

    Delaunay, Jacques A. "A propos des Aramaic ritual texts from Persepolis de R A Bowman." In Commémoration Cyrus: Hommage universel, 2: Congrès de Shiraz 1971, 2500e anniversaire de la fondation de l'empire perse. Acta Iranica, 2. Teheran: Bibliothèque Pahlavi; Leiden: Brill, 1974.

    van Dijk, J. "Un rituel de purification des armes et de l'armée: essai de traduction de YBC 4184." In Symbolae Biblicae et Mesopotamicae, M. A. Beek, ed. Studia Francisci Scholten Memoriae Dicata, 4. Leiden: Brill, 1973.

    Elat, Moshe. "Mesopotamische Kriegsrituale." Bibliotheca Orientalis 39 (1982):5-25.

    Falkenstein, A. "Akiti-Fest und akiti-Festhaus." In Festschrift Johannes Friedrich zum 65. Geburtstag, 147-82. R. von Kienle, et al., eds. Heidelberg: Winter, 1959.

    Farber, Gertrud. "Another Old Babylonian Childbirth Incantation." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 43 (1984):311-16.

    Farber, W. "Associative Magic: Some Rituals, Word Plays, and Philology." Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (1986):447-49.

    Farber, W. Beschwörungsrituale an Ishtar und Dumuzi. Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, 30. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1977.

    Fennely, James M. "The Persepolis Ritual." Biblical Archaeologist 43 (1980):135-62.

    Finet, André, ed. Acts de la 17e Recontre Assyriologique Internationale. Ham-Sur-Heure, Belgium: Com Belge de Recherches en Mesopotamie, 1970.

    Finet, André. "Le sacrifice de l'âne en Mésopotamie." In Ritual and Sacrifice in the Ancient Near East, 135-42. J. Quaegebeur, ed. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 55. Leuven: Peeters, 1993.

    Finkel, Irving L. "Necromancy in Ancient Mesopotamia." Archiv für Orientforschung 29-30 (1983-84):1-17.

    Fleming, Daniel E. The Installation of Baal's High Priestess at Emar. Harvard Semitic Studies, 42. Atlanta: Scholars, 1992.

    Fleming, Daniel E. "The Rituals from Emar: Evolution of an Indigenous Tradition in Second Millenium Syria." In New Horizons in the Study of Ancient Syria, 51-61. M. W. Chavalas and J. L. Hayes, eds. Malibu, CA: Undena, 1992.

    Franzmann, Majella. "Living Water: Mediating Element in Mandaean Myth and Ritual." Numen 36 (1989):156-72.

    Frayne, Douglas R. "Notes on the Sacred Marriage." Bibliotheca Orientalis 52 (1985):5-22.

    Fronzaroli, Pelio. "The Ritual Texts of Ebla." In Literature and Literary Language at Ebla, 163-85. P. Fronzaroli, ed. Quaderi di Semitistica, 18. Florence: Dipartmento de Linguistica, Università di Firenze, 1992.

    Frymer-Kensky, Tikva. "The Tribulations of Marduk: The So-called Marduk Ordeal Text." Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (1983):131-41.

    Grayson, A. Kirk. "Chronicles and the Akitu Festival." In Actes de la XVIIe Recontre Assyriologique Bruxelles, 30 Juin—4 Juillet, 1969, 165??. A. Finet, ed. Ham-surHeure, Belgium: ?, 1970.

    Green, Anthony R. "Neo-Assyrian Apotropaic Figures: Figurines, Rituals and Monumental Art." Iraq 45 (1983):87-96.

    Heinsohn, Gunnar. "The Rise of Blood Sacrifice and Priest-Kingship in Mesopotamia: A Cosmic Decree?" Religion 22 (1992):109-34.

    Hoffner, Harry A. "Symbols for Masculinity and Femininity: Their Use in Ancient Near Eastern Sympathetic Magic Rituals." Journal of Biblical Literature 85 (1966):326-34.

    Horowitz, Wayne and Victor Hurowitz. "Urim and Thummim in Light of a Psephomancy Ritual from Assur (LKA 137)." Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society 21 (1992):95-115.

    Jacobsen, Thorkild. "Religious Drama in Ancient Mesopotamia." In Unity and Diversity: Essays in the History, Literature and Religion of the Ancient Near East, 65-97. H. Goedicke and J. J. M. Roberts, eds. Johns Hopkins Near Eastern Studies. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1975.

    Kingsbury, Edwin C. "A Seven Day Ritual in the Old Babylonian Cult at Larsa." Hebrew Union College Annual 34 (1963):1-34.

    Kramer, Samuel Noah. The Sacred Marriage Rite. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1969.

    Kramer, Samuel Noah. "The Temple in Sumerian Literature." In Temple in Society, 1-16. M. V. Fox, ed. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1988.

    Kuhrt, Amélie. "Usurpation, Conquest and Ceremonial: From Babylon to Persia." In Rituals of Royalty: Power and Ceremonial in Traditional Societies, 20-55. D. Cannadine and S. Price, eds. Past and Present Publications. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1987.

    Kuhrt, Amélie and S. Sherwin-White. "Xerxes' Destruction of Babylonian Temples." In Achaemenid History II: The Greek Sources. H. W. A. M. Sancisi-Weerdenburg and A. Kuhrt, eds. Leiden: Brill, ?

    Lambert, Wilfred G. "The Conflict in the Akitu House." Iraq 25 (1963):189-90.

    Lambert, Wilfred G. "Myth and Ritual as Conceived by the Babylonians." Journal of Semitic Studies 13 (1968):104-12.

    Leichty, Erle. "Ritual, 'Sacrifice', and Divination in Mesopotamia." In Ritual and Sacrifice in the Ancient Near East, 237-42. J. Quaegebeur, ed. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 55. Leuven: Peeters, 1993.

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Last modified: 25 April 2001

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[author?] "The Play of Ritual in the Aqhat Narrative." In _Crossing Boundaries and Linking Horizons Studies in Honor of Michael C. Astour on His 80th Birthday_, [pages?]. Edited by G. Young, M. Chavalas, R. Averbeck. Bethesda, MD: CDL Press, 199*?